Grange School Rear Entrance, LongEaton, Nottimgham

Jordan Turner

Grange Manager

My name is Jordan and have worked for Alphabet House for over 10 years. My previous experience was mainly with nursery age children but have now successfully transitioned to the afterschool and holiday club as a manager. I would consider myself to be a solid leader and a fun person never afraid to get involved with both children and staff. I encourage all children of every level to get involved in what makes them happy while remaining professional at all times. It is my ongoing goal to make ‘Alphaclub’ the best, fun, safe and friendliest place to be.

About Grange

Afterschool and holiday club is based at the Grange school. Long Eaton Open for over 10 years we cater for children from 4-11 years. Ran by a dedicated team of outstanding staff we provide before care cover from 7am till start of school. Afterschool cover from end of school till 6 pm and holiday club from 7am till 6 pm. We offer lots of fantastic activities for our children across 3 dedicated rooms together with use of the school playground and adventure area’s . These includes lots of outdoor activities plus arts and crafts, team games, individual time, baking abs lots lots more.

Contact Us
07716 443 053
Meet The

Grange Team

Sr Assistant
Sr Assistant